Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ostrog Monastery

Surprisingly, we arrived alive at Ostrog Lower Monastery after a white knuckle busride which by the grace of god, somehow managed not to plunge over the edge of the sheer cliffs on which it resides.  Peering over the edge of the cliff from my ill-chosen cliff-side seat, I spied numerous smashed up & burnt out car wreckages which evidently hadn't been so fortunate.  I pondered to myself whether the occupants of the cars survived.  Not exactly comforting thoughts/sights during that situation.

Had a 'welcome' talk from one of the monks, and were shown to our same-sex dorm accommodation, only to find the door didn't lock.  I figured that theres probably less chance of being robbed in a dorm in a Monastery than a normal everyday dorm in a hostel, so I just left the room unlocked for my pilgrimage up the mountain to the Upper Monastery, which is a stark white church which appears to be built into the edge of a cliff.

It was a 1hr steep climb to the top, but was relatively easy as we stopped often to look at the view and take photos.  Some pilgrims climb up in bare feet and on their knees, whilst some take the mini bus which runs every so often.

It was worth the walk, as we got to the top there were bells ringing, and we went into the church to see the holy was amazing.  Had dinner at one of the nearby restaurants especially for pilgrims to the site.  After breakfast the next morning (also at one of the restaurants dedicated to pilgrims), we left, as there was not that much more to do/see there once you have seen the monastery. 

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